Sharyl Attkisson: 'Journalism is suffering from a crisis of its own making'

AFPFoundation YouTube 6/1/2015

Sharyl Attkisson is an Emmy award winning investigative journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller: “Stonewalled.” She joined us as a keynote speaker at Right Online 2015. As the title of her book clearly depicts, her run ins with the Obama White House weren’t what journalists have been used to […]

Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter: Bring All of Mexico to Live Here

Matthew Boyle Big Government 26 May 2015

…“More Nigerians than English since the 1970 immigration law,” she said. “Oh, that the people who passed the 1965 immigration law—Teddy Kennedy, the rest of the Democrats—they swore up and down it would not change the ethnic composition of this country. This has been the most dramatic […]

Obama and Hillary Are All Too Happy to Coerce Acceptance of Their Agendas

Victor Davis Hanson National Review 5/21/2015

What happens when the public does not wish to live out the utopian dreams of its elite leaders? Usually, the answer for those leaders is to seek more coercion and less liberty to force people to think progressively.

Here at home, President Barack Obama came into power in 2009 […]

Mike Lee Announces Boycott of ABCNews Until Stephanopolous Recuses Himself From All Election Coverage…

…Rand Paul Hints He’s Leaning In That Direction

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 5/14/2015

…Let’s all recall that the Democrats’ 2012 #WarOnWomen main campaign theme was not announced by an acknowledged partisan, but by an unacknowledged, covert one — George Stephanopolous, injecting birth control into the Republican debate, and furthermore asking about Mitt Romney’s views […]

Dershowitz: Geller's Contest Similar to Provocations of MLK During Civil Rights Struggle

Jeff Poor 8 May 2015

On her Thursday night “The Kelly File” program on the Fox News Channel, host Megyn Kelly hosted a discussion between famed legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and National Review editor Rich Lowry.

During the discussion, Dershowitz noted the “provocative” nature of Pamela Geller’s “Draw Mohammed” event last week in Garland, […]

Operation Jade Helm Is Nothing To Be Concerned About. But…

…Americans’ Distrust in Obama Is.

Kurt Schlichter The Journal IJReview 5/5/2015

…The concern of millions of Americans over an innocuous exercise reflects not on them but upon our President. It’s on him that people absolutely believe that he would, if he could, use the military to strip them of their liberties. And it’s not irrational […]
