In your face, Republicans

William A. Jacobson
Legal Insurrection

Obama just had what was possibly the most insulting press event I’ve ever seen from a President — I’ll post the video when available, it will infuriate you.

He spiked the football, overtly insulted Republicans and Congress, and laughed that he is on the verge of getting what he wants. Either he wants to nix any deal, or he’s actually just enjoying his victory but is emotionally incapable of being presidential about it.

Everything you ever wanted to know about our dysfunctional government was on display.


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There are more tweets at Legal Insurrection. Go to the site to watch this video of Obama today.

UpdateGOP warns Obama after ‘cheerleading rally’

…During his speech, Mr. Obama took stock of the victory he is on the brink of achieving in forcing the GOP to accept higher tax rates for the wealthiest.

“Just last month, Republicans in Congress said they would never agree to raise rates,” the president said.

Mr. Graham said the next fight — already looming over the debt limit — will demand different stagecraft from the president.

“The next time we meet is going to be around the debt ceiling. And the image I want is not a bunch of people behind the president clapping for him, but members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats, clapping for the president,” Mr. Graham said.

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