Iran’s Supreme Leader: Use Occupy Wall Street Movement To Form An “International Islamic Power Bloc”…

Weasel Zippers

The useful idiots sleeping in tents seen nodding in approval.

TEHRAN — Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on the world’s Muslim nations to form an international Islamic power bloc.

Referring to the popular uprisings in the Arab world and the recent anti-capitalism movement across the world in his message to Hajj Pilgrims in 2011, Ayatollah Khamenei called on the Muslim world to “make the most of this opportunity for the formation of an international Islamic power-bloc.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said such global developments “can change the destiny of the Islamic Ummah (nation)” and herald “a bright future accompanied with dignity and progress.”

“Today, the West, the United States and Zionism are weaker than ever before,” the Leader pointed out.

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