Krauthammer: Romney’s excellent trip

Charles Krauthammer
The Washington Post

At the outset of his recent foreign trip, Mitt Romney committed a gaffe. In answer to a question about the Olympics, he expressed skepticism about London’s preparations. The response confounded and exasperated Romney supporters because it was such an unforced error. The question invited a simple paean to Olympic spirit and British grit, not the critical analysis of a former Olympic organizer.

Soon that initial stumble was transmuted into a metaphor for everything that followed. The mainstream media decided with near-unanimity that the rest of the trip amounted to a gaffe-prone disaster…

…Look at how Romney was received. In Israel, its popular prime minister lavished on him a welcome so warm as to be a near-endorsement. In Poland, Romney received an actual endorsement from Lech Walesa, former dissident, former president, Cold War giant, Polish hero.

Two staunch U.S. allies salute a man they would like to see lead the free world. Yet the headlines were “shove it” and “culture.”

Scorecard? Romney’s trip was a major substantive success: one gaffe (Britain), two triumphs (Israel and Poland) and a fine demonstration of foreign-policy fluency and command — wrapped, however, in a media narrative of surpassing triviality.

Read the entire article at The Washington Post.

Read also, How to spot different Media Spin from quite a long way away

One of the most important things the media does for the left is spin, that is create a particular meme when it doesn’t exist. I’ve commented on this earlier this week, here are two easy to understand examples. One from the national media dealing with Mitt Romney.

The media has been falling over themselves to declare Mitt Romney’s Foreign Trip a disaster

…Somehow photos like this this and this aren’t getting any play either.

As Pam [Geller] puts it:

To find these photos, you have to dig, but they’re there, and they’re telling. No crowds like these ever met Obama in Jerusalem…


Fans of Monty Python’s Flying Circus will recognize that clever headline. And while we’re having fun, there was this headline:


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