EU, U.N. Security Council approve Iran nuclear agreement

Rick Moran American Thinker 7/20/2015

Both the European Union and the U.N. Security Council voted to approve the nuclear agreement with Iran today, clearing the way for a lifting of sanctions once the International Atomic Energy Agency signs off on Iran’s compliance.

What about the U.S. Congress? Irrelevant…

…these votes have allowed President Obama to […]

Kerry: UN first, US later

Captain Craptek The People’s Cube 7/19/2015

Secretary of State John Kerry defended the Obama administration’s decision to take the Iran deal to the United Nations before the U.S. Congress votes on it. Kerry made the remarks in an interview this morning on ABC News:

The ABC reporter, Jon Karl, asked, “But the bottom line, the […]

Power: This Time We Mean It

‘Our red lines are red’

Emma-Jo Morris The Washington Free Beacon 6/17/2015

Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told Congress that the Obama administration is committed to enforcing a red line on Iran’s nuclear ambition.

Power covered a number of foreign policy issues in the hearing, including American Israeli relations, and the nuclear deal […]

'Defying the Sword'

The Kelly File Fox News 5/26/2015

This is a rush transcript from “The Kelly File,” May 24, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated…

…first comes the question of how best to deal with a dangerous faction within Islam which is attracting new converts like Simpson and […]

ICANN sees privatization of Internet management soon

Glenn Chapman Yahoo! News 5/14/2015

San Francisco (AFP) – The head of the nonprofit group that oversees the world’s Internet addresses expressed confidence Thursday that it would be privatized and out of US government control by year’s end.

Fadi Chehade’s comments came despite criticism in the US Congress, where some lawmakers have resisted the plan […]

Obama Complains to UN About America’s ‘Human Rights’ Violations

Joel B. Pollak National Security 11 May 2015

The Obama administration has, once again, complained to the United Nations about alleged American human rights violations–and boasted about liberal policies like Obamacare as the solution.

The State Department report, released Monday as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council, […]
