3 August 2012
I give all the glory to God. It’s kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and all the blessings fall down on me.
~Gabby Douglas
Gold medal winner
U.S. Women’s Gymnastic Team
London, England
via Kevin Jackson, The Blacksphere on Facebook.
Related: Meanwhile, at a Chick-fil-A progressive, tolerant, liberal Americans show us their more enlightened point of view. This photo, on the other hand, will never make our Quote of the Day. [language warning]
Update: Salon Writer Frets That Teen Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas ‘So, So, So Into Jesus’
Why does Salon.com hate the Olympics so? After Wednesday’s David Sirota piece decrying (a la Chris Hayes) how “infantile displays of hyper-patriotism” like chanting “USA” for the home team give him jingoistic hives about aiding the military-industrial complex, a Friday article asked “Did God help Gabrielle Douglas win? The gold medalist is a teenager of deep faith and gratitude — and that can be a little unnerving.”
Writer Mary Elizabeth Williams found it creepy that any athlete would credit Jesus after a victory, and wrote of how she agreed with a colleague that “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.”
If her performance in the women’s individual all-around didn’t blow your mind, you cannot possibly have been paying attention. Yet after her victory, one of the first responses that truly resonated for me was from a colleague who noted, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?…
Read the whole thing.
Update 2: Gabby Douglas’ proud airman father has watched her from afar
…the girl who did perfect cartwheels at age 3 says praying for her father’s safety has been a regular part of her life, almost like her training regimen.
“I just had to pray to God just to keep him safe and tell the angels to keep my dad safe and come home,” she told NBC…
…Unable to get tickets to the event, Sgt. Douglas watched the event on television with his parents and brother…
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