Obama: I’ve Restored the US as the ‘Most Respected Country in the World’

Pam Key Breitbart.com Breitbart.TV 1 Jun 2015

Monday while President Barack Obama was answering questions at a town hall with YSEALI Fellows, an exchange program for community leaders from ASEAN, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, he said his administration has restored the Untied States as the “the most respected country on earth.”

Obama said, […]

ICANN sees privatization of Internet management soon

Glenn Chapman Yahoo! News 5/14/2015

San Francisco (AFP) – The head of the nonprofit group that oversees the world’s Internet addresses expressed confidence Thursday that it would be privatized and out of US government control by year’s end.

Fadi Chehade’s comments came despite criticism in the US Congress, where some lawmakers have resisted the plan […]

Obama Complains to UN About America’s ‘Human Rights’ Violations

Joel B. Pollak National Security Breitbart.com 11 May 2015

The Obama administration has, once again, complained to the United Nations about alleged American human rights violations–and boasted about liberal policies like Obamacare as the solution.

The State Department report, released Monday as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council, […]

Egypt Fights ISIS—Obama Cuts Off Egypt

With Egypt in distress, the Obama administration’s behavior is strange.

P. David Hornik PJ Media 3/18/2015

Again, those disturbing questions about whose side the president is on…

…It was Sisi who, when recently addressing an audience of Sunni clerics at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, called for a more moderate Islam that would not “want to kill […]

Obama Wants to Close Off Energy-Rich Stretch of Alaska to Development

Sean Hackbarth U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1/26/2015

Pultizer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin, wrote in the New York Times that global energy markets are at an inflection point. The role of the world’s “swing producer” has swung to the United States:

By leaving oil prices to the market, Saudi Arabia and the emirates also passed the […]

UN Security Council rejects Palestinian Statehood

Bid to force Israel to withdraw to indefensible lines fails to gain necessary votes.

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 12/30/2014

The United Nations Security Council just voted against a controversial Palestinian Authority proposal, introduced by Jordan, requiring Israel to pull back to the 1967 lines (the 1949 Armistice line), including designating all of East Jerusalem […]
