Some Democrats shun Obama event in St. Louis

Joseph Curl
Washington Times

The Show Me State temporarily became the No-Show State on Wednesday as some prominent Missouri Democrats decided they’d rather be somewhere else when President Obama came to push his massive health care overhaul plan.

Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, the all-but-certain Democratic nominee for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Sen. Christopher S. “Kit” Bond, was “already locked in” to meetings in Washington, D.C., on Wall Street financial reforms, said her spokesman, Linden Zakula, who downplayed her absence for Mr. Obama’s visit to St. Charles, just outside St. Louis.

“Yes, she could have been there, but she feels very strongly about the need for financial regulatory reform,” Mr. Zakula said. “We’ve got eight months to go. … I’m sure we’ll be seeing him out on the campaign trail this fall.”

But her spokesman didn’t mention that Mrs. Carnahan was also in Washington for a Tuesday night $5,000-a-plate fundraiser at the home of Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, who most recently made headlines for the secret backroom deal known as the “Louisiana Purchase,” which would send $300 million in additional Medicaid taxpayer funding to her state.

The article continues at the Washington Times.

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