Steny Hoyer: I’m thinking most tea partiers probably come from unhappy families


I’m amazed. Not that a Democrat would say it — this is straight out of the Harry Reid songbook — but that it would come from someone like Hoyer who’s not normally given to bomb-throwing. In fact, you can tell that this sort of thing isn’t his forte: As thumbnail psychoanalyses of political opponents go, it’s one of the lamest examples I’ve ever heard.

In fairness, the man’s hurting right now after being unceremoniously dumped back into the House minority. And look on the bright side: A year ago, their catch-all explanation for tea party motivations was racism. (For Howard Dean, it still is.) Now, per Hoyer, it’s upgraded to family dysfunction, a condition that’s downright sympathetic. You’re not evil anymore! You’re just … sad…

…Could the real problem with tea partiers be, in the eloquent words of Joy Behar, that “this Constitution-loving is getting out of hand”? Watch the clip and I think you’ll agree that it sounds scary. And not just because “smart liberal” Bill Press seems to believe there’s a right of privacy somewhere in the constitutional text.

Read the entire article and view the Behar video at

Also at HotAir, Gibbs: Obama only voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006 because he knew his vote wouldn’t matter

The funniest line? Gibbsy insisting that The One voted no at the time to send the message that we need to “get serious about fiscal discipline.” Barack Obama and fiscal discipline: Perfect together. Why, he’s like the very first tea partier, isn’t he?

Give Gibbs credit for honesty on this one, though. The One took plenty of votes during his brief layover in the Senate that were aimed squarely at polishing his record for a presidential run down the road. The one on the debt ceiling was aimed at centrists; the votes against Roberts and Alito were aimed at his base. And sometimes, when he couldn’t decide whom to pander to, he just voted present as he’s wont to do.


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