The top 20 Benghazi lies

Glenn Beck

As the Benghazi lies keep unfolding, Glenn felt it important to highlight the most important and revealing falsehoods that have been fed to the American people so far. Sadly there were so many to choose from he could only narrow it down to 20.

Here are the top 20 Benghazi lies…



Read the rest of the list at

Related Glenn: Here’s the truth on Benghazi

Tonight I want to cover two scandals and in these two scandals – Benghazi and the IRS – remember that timing is everything. Just last week, it was a week ago Saturday, the president was speaking to graduating students and of all of the messages that he could deliver to people, here’s the one he thought was the important message…

…We’re going to get to the IRS scandal here in a minute, but we need to lead with the thing that I think, I hope, or I think the people in the administration are hoping will just go away, because I hope all of the people in Washington are terrified of the news media actually on this story – Benghazi.

Why would they be terrified? Well, because of the one thing that no one really is reporting on yet and it is the truth, what’s really going on with Benghazi. The government is running guns and aid to our enemies: the Muslim Brotherhood, they go into the hands of al Qaeda, other Islamic radical groups and what they’re doing is fomenting revolutionary democracy. They’re running guns…


Read the whole thing.


…But it goes deeper than that, and this is the one thing that you’re not going to get the Republicans to talk about either. And believe me, believe me, at the highest levels, they know. It goes back to the original theory that we broadcast here on this network just a few days after Libya, and on Friday Geraldo Rivera reported on that very thing, about what we talked about days after Benghazi he said he’s now hearing from his sources – arming the Syrian rebels…


Update: Buck Sexton on Obama scandal week: “there’s no way that they will be able to get out of this unscathed”


…GLENN: So when I heard that, Buck, I thought, okay, we’re in the middle of a presidential campaign. What he is saying is the president, while an ambassador was being killed and we had an embassy under siege, you want to make the president look like this robust hero. You want to make him look ‑‑ I mean, he was practically PhotoShopped into the picture in the Osama Bin Laden compound, and what do they do here? They make sure to announce clearly to everybody he was nowhere near. He had nothing to do with it, no calls, no nothing. I knew immediately, gun‑running. There’s something very, very bad going on in this embassy and they know if it comes out, it will taint him. So he just disappeared that night. Am I reading this wrong?

BUCK: Yeah, I don’t want to be flippant about this, but I was willing to stay up all night many times to study for sociology tests when I was in college. And the fact that the president didn’t roll up his sleeves and didn’t not go to sleep at all until he found out exactly what was happening with the U.S. ambassador. I mean, he’s the commander this chief.

PAT: Incredible…

…BUCK: But there are people right now with that information who are facing financial ruin, the loss of their career and the loss of their freedom. They are not above doing that. They will put people in federal prison who speak out of turn, and they have ways of doing this. I mean, they can hold over. They can say, “We’re not going to bring the charges now. We’re going to bring them in a year when no one’s paying attention to this issue.” So anybody who comes out is taking a tremendous personal risk, they know that, and they threaten people. They threaten people all the time in the bureaucracy. And what do you have? You’re a guy, you’re not making that much money. You’re going to go up against the federal government. They get paid to ruin your life. They don’t care how much it costs. Meanwhile you’ve got a family to feed. So Glenn, this he know that they can probably stifle some whistleblowers but at this point some people may just say, “You know what? America’s too precious and I don’t even care anymore.” And that’s the wild card that they can’t account for….


Update 2:   The Astute Bloggers, THIS COULD BE HUGE: What did the briefings Romney received say about Benghazi? 

…WHEN HE FINALLY GOT HIS BRIEFINGS… what did those briefings say about Benghazi?

Did they say what the CIA ACTUALLY reported, or did they reflect the SPIN the Obama White House and the Obama State Department wanted?

If Romney got a national security briefing that was in effect EDITED by the Obama Administration, then Obama should JUST EFFING RESIGN.


If Romney received edited intel’ … well, that would be beyond dishonorable.

It would mean Obama was deliberately deceptive and destructive to our entire electoral process and our democracy.

It would mean that Romney – who was accused by Obama and his sycophants in the media of “politicizing” the Benghazi Attack – was actually a victim of Obama’s politicization…


Read the whole thing.



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