What Is ACORN Up To In Ohio?

by Dan Riehl
Riehl World View
Sunday, December 6, 2009

As a Swing State with a few important races in 2010, Ohio will be an even more important state than usual. An Ohio blogger has been tracking ACORN and what they’re up to and doesn’t like everything he sees. Check it out.

Back in October, US House Representative Darrell Issa (R, CA-49) released news that his office had, in its possession a document from Ohio ACORN offices which documented the byzantine progressive “community organizing” group’s plan to influence Ohio state and national elections. Issa is the Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The document, entitled “OHIO 2007-08 Political Plan” was written by Katy Gall, Mari Engelhardt, and Jeremy Mitchell. Gall has served as the “Ohio ACORN Head Organizer” since 2005, according to LinkedIn.

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