Why 26 Democrats Think IRS Scandal ‘Doesn’t Smell Right’

Ken McIntyre
The Foundry

The fact that 26 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to seek a special counsel to probe the IRS targeting scandal illustrates that a Department of Justice investigation of the matter is “a joke,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said today.

“That’s a significant number,” Jordan said of the Democrats voting yesterday in favor of a special counsel, and it “highlights the fact … that the criminal investigation at Justice is a joke.”…

Among the developments that concerned the 26 Democrats, Jordan said, were the Obama administration’s leak to the Wall Street Journal that no one would be prosecuted for wrongdoing at IRS; President Obama’s televised assertion to Bill O’Reilly that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” at the IRS; and $6,750 in campaign contributions to Obama and the Democratic National Committee made by Barbara Bosserman, the Justice Department’s lead investigator in the IRS case…



The complete article, with video, is at Heritage.org



Related:  House Republicans find 10% of tea party donors audited by IRS  (video)

Despite assurances to the contrary, the IRS didn’t destroy all of the donor lists scooped up in its tea party targeting — and a check of those lists reveals that the tax agency audited 10 percent of those donors, much higher than the audit rate for average Americans, House Republicans revealed Wednesday.

Republicans argue that the Internal Revenue Service still hasn’t come clean about the full extent of its targeting, which swept up dozens of conservative groups…






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