Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI Plan to Seek Criminal Charges of Obama Opponents

Judicial Watch 7/7/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal […]

IRS Created 'Special Project Team' of 'Hundreds of Lawyers' to Hide Information from Congress

Jay Sekulow American Center for Law and Justice 6/3/2015

New testimony reveals that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) used “hundreds of attorneys” to hide critical information from Congress’s investigation of the IRS targeting of conservatives.

According to new congressional bombshell testimony today, the IRS set up a previously unknown “special project team” comprised of “hundreds […]

More IRS Smoking-Gun Emails

Judicial Watch 4/10/2015

IRS: Mistakes Were Made

Judicial Watch has just released a new batch of documents forced out of the Obama IRS that show the Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target Tea Party and other conservatives is not going away.

Included in the new batch of documents is a February 2012 […]

Judge orders IRS to release list of tea party groups targeted for scrutiny

Stephen Dinan The Washington Times 4/2/2015

A federal judge ordered the IRS this week to turn over the list of 298 groups it targeted for intrusive scrutiny as the agency defends against a potential class-action lawsuit by tea party groups who claim their constitutional rights were violated.

The IRS had argued it shouldn’t have to […]

EmailGate: First Lois Lerner, Then Hillary Clinton, Now Eric Holder. How Corrupt Is This Administration?

We have found Nixon’s successors: they’re all Democrats.

Michael Van Der Galien PJ Tatler PJ Media 3/11/2015

Although we all talk about Hillary’s EmailGate, we shouldn’t forget that this controversy actually started with Lois Lerner. When Republicans tried to find out whether the IRS had purposefully targeted conservative organizations, this former head of the Internal […]

Criminal Investigation Launched After Investigators Find 32,744 ‘Lost’ IRS Emails

Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit 2/27/2015

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal included:

Hundreds of conservative groups were targeted At least 5 pro-Israel groups Constitutional groups Groups that criticized Obama administration At least two pro-life groups An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor A 180 year-old Baptist paper A Texas voting-rights group A Hollywood conservative group […]
