Obama Admin Kills Program That Helped Poor File Taxes, Sends Funding To Liberal Groups

Richard Pollock The Daily Caller 3/15/2015

The Obama administration has quietly killed an IRS tax preparation program designed to help low-income and disadvantaged citizens, choosing instead to give millions of dollars to liberal groups for the same purpose.

Without fanfare, the administration has closed down the free walk-in services at hundreds of taxpayer assistance centers […]

Bob Dylan to AARP (!): 'The government's not going to create jobs. It doesn't have to.'

Nick Gillespie Reason.com 1/23/2015

…As long as there’s suffering, you can only be so happy. How can a person be happy if he has misfortune? Some wealthy billionaire who can buy 30 cars and maybe buy a sports team, is that guy happy? What then would make him happier? Does it make him happy giving […]

Obamacare Is Crumbling

“Let’s just make sure it’s not a third-world experience.”


Phil Kerpen Townhall.com 3/25/2013

Obamacare is falling apart before our eyes. The long-term care insurance program known as the CLASS ACT was deemed financially unworkable and shut down by the administration’s own actuaries. Taxpayer-funded health care cooperatives never got off the ground and […]

Dem Rep. Corrine Brown: ‘Don’t Confuse Me With Any Facts’…

Zip Weasel Zippers 2/12/2013

Let this serve as a warning to all the young people out there, this is your brain on drugs liberalism.

(CNSNews.com) — As part of a discussion with voters about Obamacare funding, Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) told one man, “Don’t confuse me with any facts.”

“This is part of the problem,” […]

House GOP Threatens To Subpoena Obama Admin Over Obamacare Propaganda Contracts…

Zip Weasel Zippers 10/25/2012

Obama claims executive privilege in 3… 2… 1…

House Republicans on Wednesday threatened to subpoena the Obama administration over public-relations contracts to promote President Obama’s healthcare law.

It’s the third healthcare-related subpoena threat in two weeks. This one came from Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee, who said they haven’t […]

AARP to Obama: Don’t mention us again

Joel Gehrke The Washington Examiner 10/4/2012

President Obama invoked AARP to defend his health care law last night, prompting the influential group to release a statement telling him not to do that again.

“While we respect the rights of each campaign to make its case to voters, AARP has never consented to the use of […]
