American Snowboarder Wins First Gold of Games

via The Daily Mail, UK


John Branch The New York Times 2/8/2014

…the gold-winning stunt came at the end, on the last of three large jumps. Kotsenburg performed a 1620 Japan, four and a half revolutions while grabbing the board in front of his front foot and arching his back like someone […]

The Mower Gang: #Anarchy in Detroit, Part I

Zach Weissmueller Reason Magazine 9/23/2013

We all know Detroit’s in trouble: A bankrupt city full of crumbling houses, abandoned factory buildings, and a dwindling population.

But while politicians, unions, and investors slug it out in bankruptcy court and grasp for their share of what little cash is left, ordinary citizens are left to fend for […]

Charity Begins With Wealth Creation

John Stossel 26 Dec 2012

Charity — helping people who have trouble helping themselves — is a good thing two times over. It’s good for the beneficiary and good for the donor, too. Stephen Post’s fine book, “The Hidden Gifts of Helping,” reveals that 76 percent of Americans say that helping others is what […]

David McCullough calls American students ‘historically illiterate’

Twitchy 11/11/2012

In the second part of a two-part “60 Minutes” interview which aired today, historian David McCullough took a swipe at American education, calling the country’s children “historically illiterate” and encouraging teachers to major in subjects other than education. McCullough was careful to spread the blame:

I ran into some students on university campuses […]

Beck Takes His Conservative Internet Shows to the Dish Network

Brian Stelter The New York Times 9/12/2012

Glenn Beck is bringing his brand of conservative commentary back to the television set.

One year after embracing an Internet-only distribution model, Mr. Beck is repositioning his streaming network, TheBlaze TV, as an offering for cable and satellite operators — in other words, TV the old-fashioned way.

On […]
