Hero Dog Helped in the Bin Laden Raid
The Dog Files
In today’s army, bomb sniffing dogs are more the rule than the exception. And in Sunday’s dramatic raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, a fearless four legged recruit was again right in the middle of the action.
The explosive-sniffing dog was strapped to an assault team member of the Navy Seals most prestigious outfit, Seal Team Six, as they fast roped from Black Hawk helicopters into bin Laden’s hideout in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Osama bin Laden, 54, the world’s most wanted man, was shot dead during the raid…
…German Shepherds have been leading the way in British SAS raids in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Wearing oxygen masks, the pooches have been trained to jump from aircraft at 25,000ft, before seeking out insurgents in hostile environments…
Read the entire article and see more amazing photos at The Dog Files.
At Blazing Cat Fur, video of another kind. No dogs, no heroics, but plenty of fun. And that’s not a bad thing on a Friday night.