Obama, IG Report refuse to touch powerful Treasury Employees Union headed by ex-IRS agent.
Jeffrey Lord
The American Spectator
“My question is who is going to jail?”
— House Speaker John Boehner on the IRS Scandal
The President couldn’t even bring himself to breathe a word of the truth.
He could fire some hapless Acting Commissioner, but last night Mr. Obama never came close to discussing that which must never be discussed.
The IRS?
It’s about a union: the National Treasury Employees Union. The NTEU. A left-wing union representing 150,000 employees in 31 separate government agencies, including the IRS. A union that not only endorsed President Obama for election and re-election, but a union whose current president, Colleen Kelly, was a 14-year IRS agent and now is both union president and Obama administration appointee (of which more in a moment).
It’s about 94% of NTEU union contributions going to Democrats in the Senate and House in 2012 — candidates who campaigned as vociferous opponents of the Tea Party…
…the candidates on the receiving end of those IRS employee dollars? Yes indeed. They were candidates who were running flat out against the Tea Party, depicting Tea Party-supported candidates as dangerous, extremists, and crazies. Exhibiting exactly the anti-Tea Party antipathy on the campaign trail that has been revealed to be permeating the IRS.
No wonder. These Senate and House races were fueled in part by money donated by IRS employees.
Let’s take a look at specific races where the IRS employee money was involved…
Read the entire article at The American Spectator.
Related: ‘Go to jail.’ Bobby Jindal says IRS officials deserve prison for targeting conservatives
Charles Krauthammer: IRS Scandal Could be a “Fatal Problem” Obama.
Obama Suggests IRS, Benghazi, AP Phone Scandal are Just ‘Politics’ “The Washington echo chamber.”
Update: The NYT portrays the IRS employees in Cincinnati as confused and “alienated from the broader I.R.S. culture.”
Update 2:: This is awesome! BUSTED: The Complete IRS Scandal Timeline in Spreadsheet Format
…1. Steve Miller lied to Congress
2. Lois Lerner lied to Congress
3. Barack Obama lied to the American peopleThis scandal has the fingerprints of Axelrod, Jarrett and/or the Chicago Machine all over it.
This is fascism on the part of the IRS and the White House. It is fascism, straight up.
Or, as I call the IRS: Organizing for Revenue.
Read the whole thing! Doug Ross: doing the job the media won’t do!