Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear

Rowan Scarborough The Washington Times 12/6/2012

For Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government, more battle tanks and jet fighters are on their way from the United States.

Cairo’s military link to Washington has remained intact, meaning the U.S. will continue to modernize the biggest military in Africa — even as President Mohammed Morsi has decreed near-absolute power […]

Obama Appoints Iran Lobbyist to Investigate Libyan Consulate Attack

Daniel Greenfield FrontPage Magazine 10/5/2012

In other news, Iran’s nuclear program will be investigated by the first guy over the wall into the Benghazi consulate. The good news is that weeks later the FBI is finally in the consulate gathering such vital forensic evidence as can be used to establish that the consulate was indeed […]

The Global Caliphate One Year Later

”If I’m wrong, you have too much food and people make fun of you. If they (MSM/administration) are wrong, people die…. this is evil”

Glenn Beck 2/1/2012

…When revolution started with one man lighting himself in Tunisia, Glenn predicted that protests there would spread and sweep the Middle East. Has it happened? Egypt, […]

Hotel boots anti-sharia conference

Chad Groening OneNewsNow 11/1/2011

A terrorism expert and Islam watchdog says a Nashville hotel has caved to Islamic supremacism.

The Tennessee Freedom Coalition describes itself as a group dedicated to keeping sharia law from being established in the United States. It had booked space for November 11 at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville to host […]
