Here's the main reason why you should vote for Mitt Romney...

UN Warns Americans: Do Not Elect Mitt Romney

Joel B. Pollak
Big Peace
20 Oct 2012

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights…

…Emmerson…also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program–an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects…

Read the complete article at Big Peace.

CAJ noteAnd the moment Mr. Romney takes office in January, we should defund the U.N. and send them packing. Donald Trump could do quite a lot with that prime piece of real estate.

Update: Or, if you need another reason, CAIR Poll: Only 7% Of U.S. Muslims Planning To Vote For Mitt Romney…  I’m shocked, I figured they would have backed the staunchly pro-Israel Mitt Romney.

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