Is Mrs. Daniels Ready to Run? Because the Left is Ready for Mitch

Rush Limbaugh

RUSH: We talked about the Romney. Now time to bring up Mitch Daniels. As you know, Mitch Daniels appeared last night in Indianapolis. “With 1,100 people chanting ‘Run, Mitch, Run,’ Gov. Mitch Daniels took the stage here Thursday night and did something he’s never done before: He introduced his wife Cheri, and then he turned the microphone over to her to address the sold-out crowd. It was Cheri Daniels’ first-ever speech at a big political event in all the years she has been Indiana’s First Lady. And with speculation over whether her husband will enter the presidential race now at a fever-pitch, her mere presence at the podium for the annual state GOP dinner had everyone searching for clues and hidden meanings.”…

…Eleven hundred people chanting, “Run, Mitch, run!” Cheri Daniels makes her first ever speech and CBS News’ Jan Crawford was there, “And as a sign of how important his wife is to the decision, sources tell CBS News that even former First Lady Laura Bush has called Cheri Daniels personally to encourage her to support the effort and offer advice on how to define what her role on the campaign — and potentially in the White House — would be.” Now, what does that tell you? If Laura Bush has called Cheri Daniels, then Mitch is in — and if Laura Bush has called Cheri Daniels, it means that Mitch Daniels is who the Bush people (the political team) hopes gets the nomination…

…Ruth Marcus. She’s a columnist at the Washington Post, and her piece ran yesterday. I’m just gonna read the open here verbatim. “I hope Mitch Daniels runs for president.” Now, remember: Ruth Marcus will vote for Obama. Ruth Marcus is a Democrat. Ruth Marcus will never, ever vote for a Republican just like Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post is gonna vote Obama. So is Ruth Marcus. So here you have State-Controlled Media. “I hope Mitch Daniels runs for president. Let me go further: I hope he wins the Republican nomination. I can’t imagine voting for him.

“But Daniels’s presence would improve the 2012 campaign. He’d make Barack Obama a better candidate. The current Republican field runs the gamut from flawed to laughable…”

…The Washington Post, everybody knows, is gonna vote for Obama; is gonna do everything it can to reelect Obama. Now, I’m sorry, folks, but I can’t help it. I live in Realville. Literalville. It has a small population, small town. Logic and common sense are the prominent characteristics of residents of Liberalville — and if I got Ruth Marcus here writing about how she wants Mitch Daniels to run for president and win the Republican nomination but wants Obama to win, then something tells me that she believes that Mitch Daniels would pose not that big a challenge…

The complete transcript is at

H/T Althouse

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