Oops! Dem Governor Bashes Romney for Polygamist Roots – Forgets About Obama’s Polygamist DAD
Rachel Pulaski
The Luo Tribe has a long history of polygamy…
In this Obama Family photo are: (bottom row, from left) half-sister Auma, her mother Kezia Obama, Obama’s step-grandmother Sarah Hussein Onyango Obama and unknown; (top row, from left) unknown, Barack Obama, half-brother Abongo (Roy) Obama, and three unknowns.
On Thursday Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer decided to go after Romney’s family history regarding polygamy stating Hispanics would not approve of such a history. So it is only fair to point out that President Obama’s family has a history of polygamy and bigamy as well. Yet the majority of Hispanics voted for President Obama in 2008…
The article continues at GatewayPundit.
H/T American Power
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Update: Robert Stacy McCain carries on with the theme, ‘It’s Only Ever an Issue If …’
Update 2: Fiction: Romney’s Grandfather was Polygamist Fact: Obama’s Father was Polygamist