Scott Johnson
Power Line
A reader writes from inside the Department of Justice to comment on the two-year gap in Lois Lerner’s intra-government email messages:
I’m a DOJ lawyer, so you obviously cannot use my name or any identifying information. But the idea that a “hard drive crash” somehow destroyed all of Ms. Lerner’s intra-government email correspondence during the period in question [2009-2011] is laughable. Government email servers are backed up every night. So if she actually had a hard drive fail, her emails would be recoverable from the backup. If the backup was somehow also compromised, then we are talking about a conspiracy.
Keep up the good work.
He reiterates in a postscript:
I’m serious about your keeping any identifying information out of the media. Things are very, very bad.
There has to be more to the story and the hearings should start next week.