Obama rejects Ryan’s budget for FY 2012; plans tax hikes, entitlement reform

Obama to outline deficit reduction plan, cut entitlement programs

Chris Moody
The Daily Caller

President Obama will unveil a long-term deficit reduction plan this week that includes cuts to entitlements like Medicare and Medicaid and raises taxes, White House Senior Advisor David Plouffe said Sunday.

“The president later this week is going to lay out in detail his approach to the deficit reduction going forward,” Plouffe said on ABC’s ‘This Week.’

Although he didn’t provide specific details about what the president plans to propose, he said Obama was open to changing the nation’s entitlement programs.

“Obviously you’ve got to look everywhere,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Every corner of the federal government has to be looked at here.”

That includes reforming Social Security, he said, which some Democratic leaders in the House and Senate have vowed to block.

House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan unveiled a Republican deficit-reduction plan earlier this month that would cut $6.2 trillion over ten years and is estimated to reduce the deficit by $4.4 trillion more than the budget Obama proposed in February.

Plouffe said that while the Republican plan could pass the House, it would never make it through the Democratic-controlled Senate.

“It’s not going to become law,” Plouffe said. [Emphasis CAJ]

The president will outline his new plan in a speech Wednesday.

Related: HDR 142: John Boehner – Winner or Loser?

You wouldn’t believe the anger flowing on John Boehner’s Facebook page [CAJ note: and on Twitter].  And it’s not from the left, it’s from supposed Tea Party folks!  They really wanted the government to shut down (and I agreed last week.)  But now that the dust has settled, it’s clear that Boehner accomplished some remarkable things in this whole budget broohaha.  Here are a few of those accomplishments, related specifically to 0bamacare…

…American Thinker adds more accomplishments, such as the fact that Boehner actually got $6.5 billion more in cuts than he originally asked for.  Read more here:  American Thinker Blog: The GOP did just fine

But my favorite analysis was written by Warner Todd Huston:  Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics « Publius Forum “You see, what will happen if you begin calling the GOP failures and traitors is that they won’t get scared into working harder. They will think that there is no satisfying you and they will begin to ignore you. Your strategy now should be to offer gentle praise for the GOP, claim this as the victory that it is and then remind your representatives that this is just the beginning and you expect more.”  Wise advice, fellow Tea Partiers.  Boehner?  DUH – winner!   Now let’s move on to the next battle – it’s gonna be a doozy…

Read the entire article–to see what concessions Speaker Boehner is said to have gotten–at Hump Day Report.

Read also at Emerging Corruption, Left Has the Cash To Constantly Beat Conservatives, also by Warner Todd Huston.

…Unfortunately, conservatives do not donate to conservative causes with nearly the same verve as the left and efforts like True The Vote are far and few between on the right. Conservatives have a mistaken belief that if they vote in the right politician everything will turn out OK. This is a fantasy that has caused conservatives to lose battle after battle for decades…

Got it? Conservatives have been complacent for decades and now want their agenda miraculously accomplished in mere months. Sorry folks, but politics (and life) doesn’t usually work that way. Meanwhile, the Left has funding, passion, and manpower. They’ve been working and building their base for nearly 50 years and they never, ever rest.  So quit yer bitchin’ and get in the game any way you can. Everyone’s efforts matter, every penny counts. If you are angry about what politicians are doing, or not doing, get off the couch and run for office. Maybe you can do a better job, but you don’t get to complain if you’re not involved somehow, someway.

Update: Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, the federal government won’t be adequately downsized in one round of budget negotiations, at GayPatriot.

…”Republicans come out of this with a political advantage and an air of responsible governance and adulthood that could help them in the coming debate.” Until conservatives control both houses of Congress — and the White House — we won’t be able to see the kind of cuts we need to bring the government’s expenditures in line with its income.*…

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