RFK, Jr. Fails to Refute Key Details of His Sweetheart Deal from Taxpayers

Peter Schweizer
Big Government

I’ve been called many things in the last two weeks with the release of my new book Throw Them All Out by politicians from both political parties, but never a “sock puppet.”

That is how Robert Kennedy Jr. has chosen to respond to my book Throw Them All Out where I disclose the fact that a politically-connected solar company called Brightsource (of which Mr. Kennedy’s firm is the largest investor) landed a sweetheart billion-dollar plus taxpayer-guaranteed loan.

What has been so remarkable to me with the reaction to the book is the incredible disconnect between those on the inside getting these deals and those of us on the outside watching the rich getting rich with our money.   I think the vast majority of people had no problem with the late Steve Jobs getting fabulously wealthy.  He simply provided products and services people wanted.  But those getting richer courtesy of our money and special loans? People are sick of it.

The bottom line is that Brightsource Energy got a sweetheart deal and it did so thanks to political connections. This is a company that admittedly has huge problems…

…When it comes to green energy,  it’s time to recognize that advocates like Mr. Kennedy are not just Baptists,  they are also bootleggers.  They are looking to enrich themselves through their advocacy.  And they are doing it with our money.

I’m still waiting for my check from big oil.  Mr. Kennedy has already received his from the taxpayers.

The entire article is at Big Government.

H/T Moonbattery

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