Senator’s Shock Fantasy: FCC Tells Fox News & MSNBC ‘Out…Off…End…Goodbye.’

Scott Baker
The Blaze

Sen. Rockefeller’s shared some thoughts that were not in his prepared remarks today. The West Virginia Democrat gave a mini-lecture on communications and journalism during a Senate hearing on retransmission consent:

Mr. Rockefeller spoke broadly about the ways he believes television is ailing, and in doing so he singled out the “endless barking” of cable news.

He said: “There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the F.C.C. to say to Fox and to MSNBC, ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; to our ability to do our work here in Congress; and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and, more importantly, in their future.”

There is little the Federal Communications Commission can say about Fox News or MSNBC since the channels are on cable, not delivered over the broadcast airwaves.

The article continues at The Blaze

Update: From Freedom’s Lighthouse, “Al Sharpton: The FCC Should Go After Radio Stations Carrying Rush Limbaugh”

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