Solyndra Sequel: 'We're Back in Business' With $4 Billion Energy Loans

Wynton Hall
Big Government
17 Apr 2014

On Wednesday, the U.S. Energy Department announced it will begin doling out $4 billion in taxpayer-funded loan aid to renewable energy companies.

“We’re back in business,” Peter Davidson, executive director of the department’s loan programs office, told Reuters. “We really want to go back to … doing very valuable work for our economy going forward.”

Obama’s controversial DOE green energy loan program sparked a firestorm when Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer revealed that 80% of all $20.5 billion in DOE loans were given to Obama’s top campaign donors. In his New York Times bestseller Throw Them All Out, Schweizer called the Obama green energy loan slush fund “the greatest–and most expensive–example of crony capitalism in American history.”…



The article continues at Big Government.



Related:   The Epic Hypocrisy of Tom Steyer

Billionaire hedge fund operator and “green” energy magnate Tom Steyer has pledged $100 million in the 2014 election cycle to help Democratic candidates who oppose the Keystone pipeline and who favor “green” energy over fossil fuels. Steyer claims to be a man of principle who has no financial interest in the causes he supports, but acts only for the public good. That is a ridiculous claim: Steyer is the ultimate rent-seeker who depends on government connections to produce subsidies and mandates that make his “green” energy investments profitable. He also is, or was until recently, a major investor in Kinder Morgan, which is building a competitor to the Keystone pipeline. Go hereherehereherehere and here for more information about how Steyer uses his political donations and consequent connections to enhance his already vast fortune.

But Steyer’s hypocrisy goes still deeper. Today, he is a bitter opponent of fossil fuels, especially coal. That fits with his current economic interests: banning coal-fired power plants will boost the value of his solar projects. But it was not always thus. In fact, Steyer owes his fortune in large part to the fact that he has been one of the world’s largest financers of coal projects. Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it…


Read the whole thing.



Obama administration puts off decision on Keystone XL pipeline


Because, November elections!



Update:  From Instapundit:

I’M SHOCKED, SHOCKED TO READ THIS: The Black Book of Tom Steyer: Allegations of fraud plagued hedge fund of Democratic super-donor.



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