The Right Scoop
This really is stunning, and simply more reason why Obamacare must be pulled out of ground with its roots:
On the Senate floor today, Ranking Member Sessions announced that a new Budget Committee analysis has found that the long-term, unfunded liabilities associated with President Obama’s health care law will reach $17 trillion. The Committee’s analysis is based on the Obama Administration’s own numbers as well as those from the Congressional Budget Office. It is a modest, conservative estimate and yet is still more than double that of Social Security.
Watch the video at The Right Scoop, where one commenter observes (correctly in our opinion), “unfunded mandate = massive tax increase… after the election.” As President Obama recently told President Medvedev he will have more “flexibility” after he’s re-elected.
Related: Justice Breyer on Obamacare: ‘I Haven’t Read Every Word of That, I Promise’
…He also suggested it would be unreasonable for the lawyers arguing over the constitutionality of the law to expect the justices to “spend a year reading all this” to determine which parts of it should be allowed to stand if the court decides to strike down as unconstitutional the law’s mandate that individuals must buy health insurance…
No worries, Judge. Neither have the people who passed it into law…like Representatives Pelosi and Conyers.
Also, Paul Ryan on the Necessity of Defeating Barack Obama in November to Save America: “We Can Do This” – Complete Video 3/31/12
Here is complete video of Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan speaking to the “Faith & Freedom Coalition” in Wisconsin lays out what is at stake in the 2012 Presidential Election. He urged voters to support Mitt Romney for President, and focus on the necessity of defeating Barack Obama in order to “save the American Ideal” – America’s “First Principles” for the next generation. In the speech, he said Barack Obama is “committed to his ideology” that is moving us “away from the American Ideal – away from our First Principles.”
Ryan said flatly that “President Obama cannot run on his record.” He said many Democrats have said he will run to the middle and triangulate the electorate the way Bill Clinton did:
“Not this guy,” Ryan said about Obama. “This is not a Bill Clinton Democrat. He is committed to his ideology. He is committed to that transformation away from the America ideal – away from our first principles.”
Finally, The Liberal Legal Bubble, an excellent article at Reason Magazine. “Liberals can’t even imagine the opposition’s arguments to ObamaCare’s individual mandate.”
…Lithwick warned that Supreme Court’s skepticism that Congress might not be able to compel individuals to purchase a private product constituted a “dark vision of freedom.”…
…Neera Tanden, a former administration health adviser and the president of the influential liberal organization the Center for American Progress, previewed the broader liberal response when she toldThe New York Times this week that “If this court overturns the individual mandate, it will galvanize Democrats to use the courts as a campaign issue….The idea that we would have gone through Bush v. Gore, Citizens United and now this.”
Liberals never really took the legal arguments against ObamaCare seriously. But it turns out they are deeply concerned about the surrounding politics.
Update: Obamacare Oral Argument: “For those interested in following the health care law oral argument before the Supreme Court this week…” An American Housewife directs her readers to various legal blogs of note.