'The Bitter Half' Shuts Down St. Jude's Children's Hospital for a Photo-Op and Some Whine

Self-Pitying Witch Descends Upon Sick Children at Research Hospital

Dave Blount

…St. Jude specializes in treating children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Sally Coley Leger wrote, “It’s a really sorry day when they kick parents out so this lady [sic] can come. A child could die today without his/her parents around because the first lady doesn’t want both parents/family with their loved ones. If you can’t come and let things be normal, then do those babies an even bigger favor and stay home!”

But what enraged parents might not realize is that the FLOTUS had a very important message to impart to miserably sick children facing death:

“[S]ometimes living in the White House and being married to the President and trying to live a life like that, it can be hard.”

It must lift the children’s spirits tremendously to know that their situation could be worse; they could be heaped with unearned wealth, fame, and power, and have to spend large parts of every year blowing $millions of other people’s money on lavish vacations.



Read the whole thing at Moonbattery.


H/T 100 Percent Fed Up


Related:    The First Family Feels Underappreciated  (video)

…“The only other thing I want to say is, thank you to the families. You know it is, uh — Michelle was traveling to St. Judes today to be with the amazing kids there, and the doctors and staff, who help families going through really tough diseases. But she would be the first one to testify that being married to a politician is not easy. And being the partner of a politician, being the child of a politician, it’s hard.”…



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