Pamela Geller
Atlas Shrugs
Theresa May banned Robert Spencer and me from entering the UK because of our principled stand against jihad and in defense of freedom, but she can’t ban child rape and marriage. And you wonder why the UK is doomed.
Instead of setting up sharia courts in the UK, sharia should outlawed.
Mohammed, Islam’s most perfect example, married his favorite wife Aisha when she was six. Respect it!…
…Child brides from overseas can legally enter Britain because of a legal loophole.
If the girl is wed lawfully in her homeland her husband cannot be prosecuted under UK law, Theresa May’s Home Office said.
Officials made the admission after the Bishop of St Albans Alan Smith asked the House of Lords what steps the Government was taking to protect girls already in under-age marriages from coming into the UK…
Read the entire article at Atlas Shrugs.