What the media won’t tell you about Israel releasing prisoners

Sue Denim
Trending Central





Earlier this month, Israel’s cabinet announced their agreement for the release of 104 Palestinian terrorists in order to facilitate the resumption of direct negotiations with the Palestinians.

Last week the first tranche of 26 were freed and once again the BBC has outdone itself in its failure to report what is actually going on. BBC Watch has some pretty comprehensive coverage of this, but the cherry on the cake is this ‘In Pictures’ report which shows image after image of jubilant Palestinian prisoner, celebrating his release in the West Bank, with no context or explanation of his crimes whatsoever.

The mainstream media in general has been somewhat remiss at reporting who ‘the 26’ really are. At best, including no more information than a brief sentence reporting them as ‘long-term political prisoners’.

There should be no mistaking who these people really are. They are not political prisoners, they are a group of individuals who have committed murderous crimes against innocent civilians. Here are just a few examples…


The article continues at Trending Central.



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