Obama’s triple punch hits America in the gut after midterms

Ernest Istook The Washington Times 10/20/2014

No matter who wins or loses on Election Day, President Obama is ready with a big new push of his radical agenda the very next day. It includes a triple punch on immigration amnesty, higher health insurance costs and putting thousands of convicts back on the streets early.

Mr. […]

Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of seniors

Dan Weber The Washington Times 2/28/2014

…As 2014 unfolds, the most vulnerable senior citizens — those who receive home health care services — are about to learn they are out of luck. Obamacare opens a trap door under them, leaving this elderly population in freefall — with many citizens losing access to home health care.


What the media won’t tell you about Israel releasing prisoners

Sue Denim Trending Central 8/20/2013




Earlier this month, Israel’s cabinet announced their agreement for the release of 104 Palestinian terrorists in order to facilitate the resumption of direct negotiations with the Palestinians.

Last week the first tranche of 26 were freed and once again the BBC has outdone itself in its […]

Epic Rush Limbaugh: Why Totalitarians Release Prisoners

Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit 2/27/2013

Just like Barack Obama, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro also released criminal prisoners…

…Rush Limbaugh slammed Barack Obama today for “opening up the jails” and releasing the criminals like fellow totalitarians…

…Barack Obama is employing tactics that have been used by people like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, […]

Fallout begins from newspaper decision to publish gun owner names

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 1/4/2013

The fallout has begun stemming from the decision of a New York newspaper to publish the names of concealed carry gun owners in its reading area. Megyn Kelly of Fox News told Bill O’Reilly Thursday that a female stalking victim who had not heard from her assailant in two years […]

China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work

Labour camp detainees endure hard labour by day, online ‘gold farming’ by night

Danny Vincent Guardian [UK] 25 May 2011

Chinese prisoners were forced into 'gold farming' – building up credits on online games such as World of Warcraft.

As a prisoner at the Jixi labour camp, Liu Dali would slog through tough […]
