Andrew Marcus
Big Government
18 May 2013
Whenever Andrew Breitbart saw that somebody was being unfairly maligned by the institutional Left, he became that person’s stalwart defender. Sarah Palin, perhaps more than any other person in recent history, endured the full weight of what Breitbart called the “Democrat-media complex,” and so Sarah Palin had no more fierce a defender than Andrew Breitbart.
He never explicitly endorsed her for President–Breitbart, as a rule, didn’t endorse candidates. He wasn’t a policy wonk, nor did he enjoy punditry–Breitbart’s sights were consistently set on the media. He understood how the media can shape, influence, or even manipulate the general public’s perception of events and individuals. A favorite theme of the Progressive media’s smear-machine, and one which was aimed with particular savagery at Sarah Palin, is the notion that Conservatives are, in a word, dummies. One need not look very far for specific examples…
…But if Andrew Breitbart fiercely defended Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin also taught Andrew Breitbart an important lesson–one which he took to heart for himself, and one which he imparted to others wherever he went: refuse to be destroyed. Do not cower before the name-calling. Do not apologize for your beliefs. Do not hide…
The complete article is at Big Government.