3 March 2011
While looking for news about today’s planned Muslim rally in Washington, DC, featuring British radical Anjem Choudary, we came across this by Arlen Williams at Gulag Bound. Though we’re only posting a portion, we urge you to read the whole thing. We disagree with some of the points in the article, but our differences are not strong enough to change the fact that much of what is written must be exposed to Americans, most of whom are largely uninformed or apathetic, for consideration and resolution.
We would urge you to watch all of Glenn Beck’s programs posted this week. In them, he lays out the various facets that comprise what he has been calling “the perfect storm.” Please consider hitting the tip jar at the The Daily Beck, too, if you visit the site to watch this week’s videos. We concur with Williams who writes, “may they stay up and running.”
…3. There is a global, subversive movement to literally destroy our sovereign and free United States of America and the above elements have been components of it, along with the likes of George Soros, Maurice Strong, Ban Ki-moon, and numerous others in the most moneyed places of Russia, China, and/or Europe. Some of us call these Globalist Marxofascists, due to the destructive pseudo-solutions of control which tend to propose (see actual fascism, not what the progs tell you about it). Synonyms to this term include one that some of them use, transnational progressive.
4. The “spontaneous uprisings” of the Middle East are orchestrated by a core of global Marxofascists, who treat Islamists as their pawns. Trevor Loudon, Cliff Kincaid, and Aaron Klein have revealed much about this.
5. Concomitant with the above, America is likely being set up to become a failed state, for which the proposed solution may become a globalist bailout plan. This is to bring the loss of our sacred Sovereignty, through the controlling agencies of the United Nations, collaborating central banks (whatever the ethnicity of whatever bankers) and by what other tool sets are to be rolled out by the subversive, Globalist Marxofascist complex. Call this the Failed State Strategy, if you will and the result is called suzerainty to empire.
Where we live, the result may be called: Gulag America.
As to Americans’ knowing involvement in this, we dare call it treason…