Canada To Walk Out of Ahmadinejad’s UN Speech Today


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Canadians will boycott Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech today at the United Nations.

Here is one reason why the Canadians will walk out…
This video shows Basiji thugs shooting down on innocent Iranian protesters:

The Americans under the leadership of Barack Obama will no doubt sit and listen to the killer regime.

Canada Post reported:

Canada will boycott Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech at the United Nations on Wednesday, saying his outbursts about the Holocaust and Israel are “shameful.”

Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon will be at the world body to attend the opening of the UN General Assembly’s annual debate, but officials signal he and other members of the Canadian delegation will vacate the Canadian seats when the Islamic republic’s President approaches the podium.

Walking out of the chamber is seen as a strong diplomatic show of disgust at the UN — and since the chamber is generally packed on the first day of the annual summit, Canada’s empty seats will not go unnoticed.

Use the link under the headline to read the entire article at

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