Whose interest is AARP representing?

Republicans Target AARP’s Ties to Health-Insurance Industry

by Rep. John Carter Congressman for the 31st District of Texas

The House Republican Conference has been circulating talking points among lawmakers and staffers, saying AARP wants an overhaul because its business arm would benefit from legislation in both the House and the Senate. Friday, three Republicans on […]

AARP meets with some Dallas members this week

Would you belong to an organization that treated you in this manner in your “golden years”?

People who qualify for AARP membership–age 50 and older–are educated, they know their rights under the Constitution, they have worked to build the U.S. economy, they have fought for our liberties, and their minds are still working if […]

‘Non-partisan’ AARP named by Pelosi as part of Democrats August recess health care reform blitz

By Mark Tapscott Editorial Page Editor Washington Examiner August 3, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s August 31 memo to House Democrats with their instructions for the August recess described a comprehensive national campaign designed in conjunction with a long list of outside groups lobbying for government government health care.

Notably listed among those groups by […]
