‘From the road in Arkansas with John Stossel’

by Tim Phillips
Americans For Prosperity
Friday, October 30, 2009

While Speaker Pelosi unveiled her final health care takeover bill in the House, I’m here on the road with Fox New’s John Stossel holding town hall meetings to urge folks to keep up the fight against a government takeover of health care.

At 7am this morning– yes I said 7am–345 activists joined us bright and early in Texarkana for a rousing town hall meeting. We were in the district of Congressional Blue Dog Leader Mike Ross, and hundreds of folks signed the “Hands Off My Health Care” petition urging Congressman Ross to do the right thing for Arkansas.

Next we arrived in Little Rock, after a two hour drive, where over 800 Arkansas citizens from all walks of life overflowed a large auditorium. We gave out Senator Lincoln’s Congressional office numbers and urged the masses to call the senator and make their voices heard. Click here to view more photos from the town halls.

Tonight we’re in Jonesboro for the last of our town hall meetings in Arkansas. John Stossel has been inspiring as he details why freedom is always better than state control.

The media, Speaker Pelosi, and President Obama are attempting to tell America that you are tired, worn down, and losing interest. Being on the road this week in South Carolina and Arkansas tells me they are wrong. The crowds have been huge. The energy has been electric. The determination is unfaltering.

Going into these closing weeks of the health care and cap-and-trade battle, we can win if we keep fighting.

Make sure you join us for the “Congressional House Call” Day on November 5 and ask your representatives to do the right thing for your state. For more information on this crucial and exciting day. Click here.

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