If journalists did the job they’re paid to do…

Does this mean the Obama campaign is lying?

B. Daniel Blatt

Just caught this via Yahoo!:

Undeterred by independent fact-checkers that have debunked the thrust of their claims, the Obama campaign is redoubling attacks on Mitt Romney as an “outsourcer” in a new TV ad airing in eight battleground states.

The 30-second spot — titled “The Problem” — claims Romney condoned the Chinese “taking our jobs and taking a lot of our future.”

“He made a fortune letting it happen,” the narrator says, focusing on Bain Capital outsourcing to China, a country Romney has vowed to challenge as president…

Read the rest at GayPatriot.

We posted it last week, but we’ll post it again. From the surprisingly liberal Business Insider, Romney’s Old Company Is The Best Employer In America

Obama’s Outsourcing Far Worse Than Romney’s

Who’s the worst outsourcer in today’s presidential race? It isn’t Mitt Romney – it’s Barack Obama.

Obama’s second largest fundraiser is John Rogers, the CEO of investment giant Ariel Capital Management. He has raised more than $1.5 million for Obama’s reelection campaign. Bully for him, except for one thing: Ariel Capital Management owns a $48.6 million stake in Accenture, which just happens to be, according to the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals, the nation’s “best” outsourcer

…If Obama’s second largest fundraiser is outsourcing jobs by the bushel, you just know his biggest fundraiser has got to be cravenly doing the same thing, right?


…we get the picture. Obama criticizes Romney for outsourcing while being the king of outsourcers himself.

Read the whole thing at Breitbart’s Big Government.

Vote-counting in November’s election is going to be outsourced, too. Remember?

This article actually alludes to a couple of Obama lies–  Not a Tax: IRS to Hire Thousands of New Agents to Enforce ObamaCare

Thanks to some unforced errors committed by Team Romney last week regarding the ObamaCare tax/penalty issue, the corrupt media was able to keep the focus of the presidential election exactly where Obama wants it kept: off his failed record and on Mitt Romney. The media never, however, will expose the White House’s own hypocrisy on the issue — including its own Solicitor General making the tax case for Obama Care before the Supreme Court.

Something the media won’t be able to spin, though, is that even though ObamaCare is a job killer in the private sector, it’s a boon for federal employees who enjoy the kind of health and pension benefits you and I can only dream of — specifically IRS agents.

How many, exactly? Numbers range from 2,700 to 16,500…

From Breitbart. Read the whole thing.

But the winner of the “outsourcing of lies and damned lies”? Over 3 Dozen “Discrepancies” Found in Barack Obama’s ‘Dreams of My Father’ 

There are over three dozen factual inaccuracies in Barack Obama’s Dreams of My Father according to historian and author David Maraniss.

It was full of lies…

No way! I mean…how could Bill Ayers gotten so much wrong? Watch the video at GatewayPundit.

Related: Morgan Freeman: Obama Isn’t First Black President

From NPR: “First thing that always pops into my head regarding our president is that all of the people who are setting up this barrier for him … they just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white — very white American, Kansas, middle of America,” Freeman said. “There was no argument about who he is or what he is. America’s first black president hasn’t arisen yet. He’s not America’s first black president — he’s America’s first mixed-race president.”

Update: But wait! There’s more! Obama: Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ racist eyes? [Darleen Click] In which Obama lies about how McCain outspent him only to lose the Presidential campaign of 2008. Remember that whole accepting public funds whip-lash Obama gave to the old RINO? Yeah, so do we.

Also, more video from Breitbart, Obama’s Tax-Payer Funded Outsourcing Reince Priebus discusses how President Obama has outsourced American jobs to China paid for the by American tax payer.

Is the Obama Administration Outsourcing Green Jobs to Africa Now?

The Obama Administration’s “green jobs” agenda is apparently not limited to the United States. According to CNS News, the administration created a $20 million grant that will go toward creating green projects…in Africa…

And so on, and so on…

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