CAJ note: We received this email today because we are donors to “FrackNation.”
From Ann McElhinney, Phelim McAleer and Magda Segieda
Dear Backers,
We wanted our supporters to be the first to get our very own Hollywood exclusive.
We can reveal that our research has discovered that Matt Damon has co-written and is about to star in an anti-fracking Hollywood blockbuster.
PROMISED LAND will be directed by Gus Van Sant and co-star John Krasinski, who plays Jim in NBC’s The Office. This will be a huge movie – with a big budget and a lot of promotion and advertising and sources tell us it will be portraying fracking in a very negative light.
As you probably know, Matt Damon is just the latest Hollywood superstar to come out against fracking. Robert Redford, Debra Winger and Mark Ruffallo have also campaigned against the process.
We want to make FrackNation because we want the truth about fracking to be told. But it will not be easy getting the message out with a sequel to Gasland in the works and now a big budget Hollywood movie concentrating on scare stories rather than true stories. Now, we recognize Hollywood movies don’t have to be truthful – they just have to be entertaining, but it’s likely that PROMISED LAND will increase unfounded concerns about fracking.
That’s why we need your help. We have less than two days let in our Kickstarter campaign. We have been overwhelmed by the response so far. Almost 3,000 people have donated over $190,000. But if we are to take on the Hollywood/Environmental establishment we need you to increase your donation or send this link to friends who might want to help.
Thank You very much
Ann, Phelim & Magda
p.s And please:
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Update: Only 48 hours left until funding ends for FrackNation. Join 2879 others and become a beloved backer of this project!
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