13 January 2011
In our post ‘An Embarrassment for the Media and Sick, Desperate American Left’ there is a video at Update 2 entitled ‘Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin.’ There’s some new developments around that video from Legal Insurrection, posted last evening:
Person Tweeting Death Wish For Palin Now Wants Privacy
I linked earlier to a YouTube video montage of death wishes tweeted about Sarah Palin after various bloggers maliciously linked Palin’s electoral target map to the Tucson shooting.
Now YouTube is threatening to pull the video because one of the people who sent a tweet has complained that the video violates her privacy.
According to the YouTube notice, which appears at Big Journalism (h/t Aaron Worthing at Patterico), the person whose tweet appears at 1:50 of the video is the person who complained. Here is the screen shot at 1:50:
I have no idea what YouTube will do, but it does seem odd that someone would sent a death wish into the Twitter universe and then claim privacy…
…Update: YouTube removed the video. All of the screenshots have been saved by a reader, and are available here. A new location for the video will be linked once available.
Read the entire post at Legal Insurrection.
And speaking of angry idiots on Twitter, Michelle Malkin has this article, ‘Most ghoulish Tucson massacre Tweet of the week’:
From the bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping blogger whose reaction to the lynching of four American civilian contractors in Fallujah in 2004 was this…
…comes today’s nominee for the progressive Left’s most ghoulish Tucson massacre Tweet of the week. He cheered the ruthless murders of American war veterans serving their country as civilian contractors in Iraq, and now he’s cheering the political lynching of Sarah Palin over a 9/11 Truther/pot-head/nihilist madman’s deadly shooting rampage…
Got bile?…
…Trending on Twitter tonight: #blamepalin — Conservatives fight back against the smears by mocking the Left’s tasteless blame game. A small taste…
Read the whole thing at MichelleMalkin.com
Found in Malkin’s “Comments” section (Comment #9):
click on the image to view at full size
By BigFurHat at iOwnTheWorld
Unfortunately, the death threats against Sarah Palin are not a joke. At Weasel Zippers, Report: Death Threats Against Sarah Palin at “Unprecedented Levels”…