‘Markets Under The Spell Of Monetary Easing’ Bank Of International Settlements Finds… Same As ‘Then’

…[Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are] adequately capitalized. They are in no danger of failing…


Tyler Durden Zero Hedge 6/2/2013


Ben Bernanke 7/1/2005, CNBC interview:

INTERVIEWER: Tell me, what is the worst-case scenario? We have so many economists coming on our air saying ‘Oh, this is a bubble, and it’s going […]

Everything You Remember About the 1990s is Wrong

Nicholas Carlson Business Insider 6/10/2012

As we deal with an under-employment crises that refuses to go away, the 1990s are now remembered as an age of prosperity that only got out of hand in a tech bubble at the end of the decade.

But that’s not what happened at all.

Peter Thiel – the billionaire […]

The Geopolitics Of The Dubai Debt Crisis: It’s Iran vs. The United States

John Carney The Business Insider November 28, 2009

The role of Iran may be the most overlooked in the Dubai debt crisis.

Of all the states of the United Arab Emirates federation, Dubai has maintained the closest ties to Iran. Indeed, as international pressure has built on Iran over the past decade, Dubai has prospered […]
