‘The Government Cannot Bestow Dignity’

Alex Pfeiffer The Daily Caller 6/26/2015

…Thomas’ dissent focused on the idea of negative rights, “As one later commentator observed, ‘[L]iberty in the eighteenth century was thought of much more in relation to ‘negative liberty’; that is, freedom from, not freedom to, freedom from a number of social and political evils, including arbitrary government power,’” […]

Hometown paper to Harry Reid: ‘Quit the race-baiting already’

Jessica Chasmar The Washington Times 7/13/2014

Nevada’s largest daily newspaper is telling Sen. Harry Reid to “quit the race-baiting already” after he embarrassingly referred to Clarence Thomas as a white man.

“Harry Reid is the da Vinci of distraction,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote Friday. “The moment any scandal, policy failure or political defeat crashes […]

Rep. Thompson doubles down on racial remarks in interview with CNN's Dana Bash

CNN.com 4/30/2014

In an exclusive interview with CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash, Rep. Bennie Thompson doubled down on controversial remarks he made about race over the weekend.

The Mississippi Democrat had argued Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a black conservative, is an “Uncle Tom” who doesn’t stand up for African Americans.

In his interview […]

Clarence Thomas: Society is overly sensitive about race

Chris Moody Yahoo! News 2/11/2014

Americans today are too sensitive about race, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a gathering of college students in Florida on Tuesday.

Speaking at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla., Thomas, the second black justice to serve on the court, lamented what he considers a society that […]

Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks — And Oh What A Speech!

I will not be characterized as a Europhile. I love the United States.


David Lat Above the Law 15 Nov 2013

…People who have read Justice Thomas’s extraordinary memoir, My Grandfather’s Son (affiliate link), are familiar with his journey from being a supporter of the Black Panthers to a rock-ribbed conservative. If […]

Clarence Thomas: Affirmative action no better than Jim Crow segregation

Joe Saunders BizPac Review 6/24/2013

A 7-1 majority of the Supreme Court on Monday punted on the affirmative action case of Fisher v. University of Texas Austin.

But conservative champion Justice Clarence Thomas made no bones about where he stood in his opinion, even though he concurred with the court’s decision to send the case […]
