2010 Court to rule on Sarbanes-Oxley and gun rights

James Vicini Reuters 6/27/2010

Washington–The Supreme Court could strike down a key part of a 2002 corporate reform law and extend gun rights in the United States on Monday when the justices issue their final rulings of the term.

In eagerly awaited rulings, the nation’s highest court is expected to decide the constitutionality of a […]

Progressives can’t get past the Knowledge Problem

Glenn Harlan Reynolds Washington Examiner 4/4/2010

…”What AT&T, Caterpillar, et al did was appropriate. It’s earnings season, and they offered guidance about , um, their earnings.”So once Obamacare passed, massive corporate write-downs were inevitable.

They were also bad publicity for Obamacare, and they seem to have come as an unpleasant shock to House Energy and […]

Obama Seeks to Evade Accountability in Supreme Court

by Ken Klukowski TownHall.com December 8, 2009

The Supreme Court heard arguments in a case over an executive-branch agency that is completely outside presidential control. Team Obama argued that the Court should keep it that way, leaving in place an agency that meddles in business affairs, but cannot be stopped by the public and for […]
