“One common misconception is that Pigford is about people who defrauded the government by pretending to be farmers. From the research I’ve done, there’s almost nobody who pretended to be a farmer. The shocking truth is that you didn’t have to fake a farming resume to collect $50,000 — all you had to do was to make a credible enough claim that you ‘attempted to farm.’”
~Lee Stranahan, BigGovernment.com
Robert Stacy McCain
The Other McCain
The dirty scam that is the Pigford case, via Breitbart TV:
Lee Stranahan explains at Big Government. When Breitbart went into all-Pigford-all-the-time mode a few weeks ago, some people didn’t get it. “Is this just vengeance for the Sherrod dust-up?” and so forth. But there’s a serious scandal here…
…The way the plaintiff’s attorneys hosed the taxpayers on the Pigford class-action case is a shame and disgrace to the American legal system…
The entire article is at The Other McCain.