Trey Gowdy's warning to Democrats: ' careful what you do with the law today...'

Gowdy Opening Statement at Hearing on Immigration Executive Actions


Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy Opening Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing “The Unconstitutionality of Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration”



Related: Trey Gowdy Introduces States’ Rights, “Undo Obama Destruction And Liberal Idiocy” Immigration Enforcement Bill

…He’s authored a bill that contains specific language which prevents the very methods through which the law is currently being violated by the Obama regime. It also allows states the rights which should already be theirs under the Constitution, to defend their own sovereignty and enforce immigration law in the absence of or as a supplement to federal enforcement…


Trey Gowdy Fights Back Against Obama’s Amnesty With New Immigration Plan

South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy has introduced an immigration bill to defund President Obama’s executive amnesty and expedite the removal of criminal aliens from U.S. soil…


Update: Issue is the Constitution, Not the Shutdown

…Obama may be right to think he’s won this news cycle as the Republicans seek a path, whether temporary or not, to retreat from their pledges to use the power of the purse to stop the executive orders from being implemented. But more surges of illegals in the future could change the political balance of power on this issue in ways that Democrats confident of Hispanic support don’t currently envision. The only enduring values here are the defense of the Constitution and the rule of law that Obama has trashed, not amnesty for illegals. Whatever happens this week in Washington, if Republicans are faithful to that principle, they won’t regret it in the long run.


Here Are the 52 House Republicans Who Defied John Boehner on Contentious DHS Spending Bill

…The dispute stems from funding for President Barack Obama’s executive immigration action. The president’s first immigration directive, in 2012, lifted the threat of deportation from many immigrants brought to the country illegally as youngsters. Another order last fall applied to millions more who are in the United States unlawfully.

Referring to the immigration action, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said of the GOP leadership-backed DHS funding bill, “It does not make any difference whether the funding is for three weeks, three months or a full fiscal year. If it’s illegal, it’s illegal.”…



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