Sorry John Kerry, I know the world is round and that global warming is a fraud

Phineas Sister Toldjah 2/17/2014

So, having spewed thousands of pounds of harmful greenhouse gasses (1) to fly to Indonesia to warn against the evils of Man-caused climate change, Secretary of State Kerry had this to say:

Kerry, who has framed global warming as a centerpiece of his diplomatic agenda, kicked off a tour in Jakarta, […]

Goodbye Property Rights

Michael S. Coffman and Kristie Pelletier 12/5/2012

Since the early 1970s there has been a systematic and deliberate effort to destroy private property rights in America through the warm and fuzzy goal of sustainable development.

David Rockefeller co-founded the Club of Rome in 1968 as an elite, somewhat occult think tank. The Club of […]

Video of Rosa Koire of Democrats Against Agenda 21 Speaking in Bradley County, TN

TinShipProd YouTube 5/8/2012

Rosa Koire is a national leader in the fight against Agenda 21. She has written a book called “Behind the Green Mask” which has gained national attention. She is also head of head of an organization called Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21.

Brought to you by the Liberty Coalition.




Maurice Strong, High Level Closing Plenary – Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum 18 Jun 2012

The Compact 4 Rio will convene chief executives with leaders from Government, civil society and the United Nations, as well as Forum participants to discuss and identify strategies for a new era of global sustainability. This session will distil the outcomes of the four-day Corporate Sustainability Forum, and identify the most […]

How Rio+20 can herald a ‘constitutional moment’

The conference should focus on assessing the governance reforms required to put the planet on a more sustainable path

Frank Biermann and Steven Bernstein The Guardian [UK] 15 March 2012

Governments have a historic opportunity this June to create the institutions needed to fulfill the promise made at the 1992 Earth Summit. The Rio+20 UN […]

Obama and the UN: Agenda 21 Revisited

Sharon Sebastian Freedom Advocates via Green Mountain Scribes 11/16/2011

Despite the devastating financial impact it will have on all American households and businesses, President Barack Obama desperately wants to resurrect and implement Cap and Trade, if not through Congress then surreptitiously through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As with suggestions for better-structured health care reform, […]
