In Australia the winds of political change blow away climate bureaucracy

Graham Lloyd and Chris Kenny The Australian 9/20/2013

THE Climate Commission has been scrapped and billions of dollars in renewable energy funding effectively frozen as the Abbott government moved swiftly to wind back Australia’s climate change response, as promised.

Outgoing chief commissioner Tim Flannery, who was told yesterday morning he had lost his $180,000-a-year, part-time […]

Climategate 3.0 has occurred – the password has been released

Anthony Watts Watts Up With That 3/13/2013

This post will be a top “sticky” post for some time, new essays will appear below this one – Anthony

A number of climate skeptic bloggers (myself included) have received this message yesterday. While I had planned to defer announcing this until a reasonable scan could be completed, […]

Back off, Barack! Britain will leave EU

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley WorldNetDaily 1/15/2013

A senior official of the Obama “administration” has gotten himself into hot water by telling Britain what to do. Obama’s view, apparently, is that it is in the interests of the United States that Britain should remain a mere satrapy or vassal state of the hated European tyranny-by-clerk, and […]

Monckton reports on UN central control from COP18

CFACT YouTube 12/3/2012

Lord Christopher Monckton reports from the UN Conference on Climate Change in Doha, Qatar with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). For more information on CFACT’s activities in Doha, please visit


Here is Lord Monckton’s article, “A complete economic transformation of the world.”

From January 2012, Global Warming […]

Lord Monckton Sticks a Fork in Rio+20

Dave Blount Moonbattery 6/28/2012

This is no time to let our guard down, but the great countermoonbat Lord Monckton has some good news regarding the fizzling of the international green Marxist movement at Rio+20:


Now the bad news: American courts have been upholding the collapsing global warming hoax as a pretext for authoritarianism […]

‘Failure here is good for the world’s poor people.’

Climate Depot Featured at UN Earth Summit: “Failure here is good for the world’s poor people. We need to redefine sustainable development as oil, gas, coal.”

Morano: ‘Failure is the only option for this conference if you care about the environment & poor people. Carbon based energy has been one of the greatest liberators of […]
