Editor AgainstCronyCapitalism 2/22/2014
“It’s not just about staying in office because you like the power. It’s about staying in office because it generates huge amounts of cash for your family.”
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Editor AgainstCronyCapitalism 2/22/2014 “It’s not just about staying in office because you like the power. It’s about staying in office because it generates huge amounts of cash for your family.” – –
Cheryl Carpenter Klimek BizPac Review 1/13/2014 Anyone who has seen “Lone Survivor” can’t help but be captivated by the honor displayed by Mohammad Gulab, the Afghan tribal leader who became close friends with Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. In a “60 Minutes” interview recorded in December, Luttrell told Anderson Cooper that Gulab “saved him, protected him […] Glenn Beck 9/4/2012
The transcript is at GlennBeck.com Update: It’s Gotten So Bad CNN is Starting Not to Cover for the Left. CNN’s Anderson Cooper caught DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz lying about the GOP abortion platform. Has it gotten so bad for the […] |