‘What the hell is wrong with you?’

Was this Samantha Power baffling Daniel Pearl tweet evil or stupid?

Twitchy 2/24/2014



Daniel Pearl’s story is reminder that individual accountability & reconciliation are required to break cycles of violence. @DanielPearlFNDN

— Samantha Power (@AmbassadorPower) February 24, 2014



…Twitter users were not speechless, however, and gave Ambassador Power the business over […]

Lara Logan's 2012 BGA Annual Luncheon Keynote Speech

mtaylor1371 YouTube 10/9/2012

H/T Winds of Jihad and This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here.

Allen West Weighs in on Urinating Marine Scandal

Unless you’ve been shot at by the Taliban ‘shut your mouth, war is hell.’

Becket Adams The Blaze 1/13/2012

Rep. Allen West (R-FL), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sent The Weekly Standard an email commenting on a recent video depicting what appears to be four U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of Taliban terrorists. The […]

The GOP House Intel Chair’s Stunning Display of Insult and Ignorance

Jimmy The Sundries Shack 5/4/2011

I’ve never heard of Rep. Mike Rogers, Republican Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, but I hope the next time I see his name in print it’s because he resigned his position. Obviously, he is not qualified to sit on any committee with the word “intelligence” anywhere in its title […]

Quote of the day

“Word to Obama – Daniel Pearl was not beheaded because he was a journalist. Daniel Pearl was beheaded by Islamic extremists because he was an American and a Jew.”

~ Jim Hoft GatewayPundit, 5/18/2010 “Mr President, it wasn’t a country that killed Daniel Pearl.“

Obama Signs Law Authorizing List of Nations That Stifle Press Freedom

FoxNews.com 5/17/2010

President Obama signed a law Monday morning hailed as a hammer against countries that stifle press freedoms — though the law, a tribute to murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, does not entail any enforcement.

The Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act would require the State Department to compile a list of nations […]
