The Full Benghazi Brief--Ghosts Beyond the Wire

sundance The Conservative Treehouse 11/10/2014

Grab a cup of coffee because it’s a long read with over 350 citations and reference source links for confirmational material. We think you’ll get hooked and find 95% of your Benghazi questions answered. And if you can find a factual flaw I’ll buy the coffee.. SD


We know […]

‘A Perilous Hour:’ Sen. Sessions Rails Against Obama’s Impending Unlawful Immigration Order

Brendan Bordelon The Daily Caller 7/28/2014

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions warned his colleagues they are fast approaching “a perilous hour” for the separation of powers between the president and Congress, delivering an impassioned denunciation of President Barack Obama’s plan to ignore Congress and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants despite opposition from lawmakers.


Cruz to Harry Reid: Get Out of ‘Ritz-Carlton in D.C.’ and See the Border

Evan McMurry Mediaite 7/20/2014

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) characterization of the U.S.-Mexico border as “secure” by telling his colleague to come take a look for himself.

“President Obama and Harry Reid both engage debates divorced from the facts and divorced from the reality,” Cruz said on Fox […]

Pro-Amnesty GOP Rep: Boehner Planning Immigration Votes 'in Next Month or So'

Matthew Boyle Big Government 27 Oct 2013

Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), a Republican member of the House who supports comprehensive immigration reform, said on Sunday’s Univision Al Punto show that House Speaker John Boehner promised him there would be immigration votes in the House of Representatives soon.

Great product for daily use. Indian pharmacy. […]

Priorities: As government shutdown looms, Eric Cantor holds meeting on amnesty

Matthew Boyle Big Government 27 Sep 2013

As Congress faces a potential government shutdown, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is holding meetings to push amnesty for America’s illegal immigrants, National Review’s Jonathan Strong reported on Twitter.

“With clock ticking on shutdown, big mtg in Cantors office just now on … Immigration,” Strong tweeted.

Cantor […]

Bipartisan Amnesty Team Now Down to John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Cheech Marin

Two More Defections from Amnesty Gang of Eight

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 9/20/2013

Well no, not exactly, but there were two more defections.

There had been an earlier one, so it was down to a Gang of Seven. I should have known that so I’ll pretend I did. Now it’s a gang of five.

