ABC's Moran: 'Virus of Islamic Violent Extremism' Infecting Europe

Matthew Balan NewsBusters 4/22/2015

On Wednesday’s Good Morning America, ABC’s Terry Moran refreshingly labeled one of the major threats to Western civilization – something the Obama administration has consistently failed to do – as he covered a planned attack on churches in France. Moran disclosed that “France and…Europe…is, essentially, fighting off the virus of Islamic […]

White House Quietly Releases List of Muslim Leaders Who Met Privately With Obama

Jason Howerton The Blaze 2/6/2015

The White House quietly released the names of the Muslim leaders who met privately with President Barack Obama earlier this week to discuss the Islamic State, anti-Muslim “discrimination” and even Obamacare.

After initially declining to reveal who attended the meeting, the administration attached the list of 14 people who attended […]

Shep Smith Gives Harrowing Description of ISIS Burning Prisoner

MediaNews YouTube 2/3/2015

As you are likely aware, most American media outlets have an unspoken ban on showing images from the recently-released footage of ISIS forces burning alive a Jordanian pilot they’ve held captive for several months. Fox News anchor Shepard Smith complied with that prohibition on Tuesday afternoon, but felt it was necessary for […]

Emerson: ‘We’re embracing Muslim Brotherhood front groups’

Christopher Collins Paulding County Republican Examiner 1/4/2015

On Sunday, Steve Emerson, founder of the Investigator Project on Terrorism (IPT) spoke with Fox News host, Judge Jeanine warning that the West and the United States under the Obama administration is embracing Muslim Brotherhood front groups and appealing to ISIS supporters which is motivating ISIS to fight […]

The Islamic State Is Here

Robert Spencer FrontPage Magazine 10/9/2014

…Top officials in Washington have known about how jihad terrorists have attempted to exploit the vulnerabilities of the southern border for many years now. In 2006, the House Homeland Security Investigations Subcommittee, under the leadership of Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), issued a report entitled A Line in the Sand: Confronting […]

Megyn Kelly Provides Okla. Beheading Background the Establishment Press Largely Ignores

Tom Blumer 9/28/2014

The story of alleged Moore, Oklahoma murderer Alton Nolen, who reportedly beheaded co-worker Colleen Hufford, is fading from the headlines. Barring further developments, I don’t expect it to be a news topic on any of the Big Three networks’ morning or evening news shows tomorrow…

…So we’ll leave to Fox News’s […]
